As wildfires are still ravaging through California the devastation may feel distant, but the gravity of what has unfolded is a reminder of how quickly things can change and just how connected we all are. Even if we’re not in California, our hearts are aching for our family, friends, and colleagues who are navigating such profound losses.
The fires in Los Angeles are currently larger than the city of Boston and are yet to be contained. For size context: as of now the city of Boston is 48.4 square miles or about 30,976 acres and currently 60 square miles of fire has consumed the city of Los Angeles. The Palisades fire alone consumed 37 square miles.
Times like these are about showing up in whatever way you can. A listening ear. A helping hand. A donation. A moment of silence. Even the smallest acts of kindness can add up and reverberate in ways we may never see or know.
Now more than ever, we are reminded of the strength of community and the ways we can come together when things are falling apart around us. Loss is such an unfortunate part of life, but it also reminds us to appreciate and be grateful for the things we do have, and to help in whatever capacity we can.
Our team's work helping people navigate their lives around their homes is serious and meaningful and it comes with enormous responsibilities. We've said it before and will say it again - our team doesn't just sell homes. We are here to help our clients through their entire homeownership journey - the good parts and bad.
You may not be dealing with tragedy as we speak, but to help you prepare for any twists and turns life may throw at you, we have put together an emergency preparedness checklist that we hope you will never have to use. Below are a few considerations and the full checklist can be found here.
Here are a 10 steps on how you can prepare:
1. Assemble an Emergency Kit and Go Bags
Prepare to shelter at home and have "go bags" ready for each family member near exit doors or stored in cars. Include essentials like a whistle, food, water, clothing, medical supplies, and lighting (solar or if battery powered, don't forget extra batteries). You may want to include some irreplaceable items or have those easy to access in the event of an emergency.
2. Create a Family Emergency Plan
Identify evacuation routes and safe meeting places. Establish an out-of-area emergency contact and use text messaging for communication if local networks fail. If you don't have a professional floorplan, reach out to your real estate agent. Our team does professional floorplans of all of the properties we sell, which may come in handy for planning escape routes.
3. Protect Your Home
Implement fire-resistant landscaping, secure heavy furniture, and consider storm shutters and waterproofing for vulnerable areas. Make sure any potential hazards are addressed.
4. Document Your Belongings
Take videos and photos of your home and possessions. Store them securely in the cloud or on an external drive. Update annually, or after large purchases. Download apps like Sortly or Encircle to simplify inventory tracking and find resources for restoring your home.
5. Stay Informed
Sign up for local emergency alerts and monitor weather conditions through reliable sources like NOAA Weather Radio.
6. Leverage Technology
Use apps like MyShake (earthquakes) and Wildfire Tracker for real-time updates. Platforms like Facebook or Nextdoor can provide localized disaster information.
7. Participate in Community Preparedness
Collaborate with neighbors on shared resources and consider CERT training to enhance community resilience.
8. Prepare for Fire
Make fire-resistant modifications to your home, such as using fire-resistant roofing materials or ember-resistant vents.
9. Consider Financial Preparedness
Review insurance policies and maintain an emergency savings account for disaster-related expenses. It is helpful if you can have $500-$1,000 in cash on hand in the event of an emergency where cards may not be easily usable.
10. Be Mentally Prepared
Familiarize yourself with mental health resources and develop plans for children and elderly family members.
Download our Emergency Preparedness checklist for a more complete list of steps to prepare in case the unthinkable happens.
Our hearts are with LA. Even if we’re not in California, our hearts are aching for our family, friends, and colleagues who are navigating such profound losses.